Our story

Motto: "Together we win, divided we're slow"

Over the last 40 years intensive care medicine has become a fast advancing medical speciality all around the world and its impact in medicine in general is plausible. Critical care journals have high impact factors and scientific publications from the field appear regularly in the highest ranking medical journals. Emergency and critical care has become the core element of the hospital structure and it is also becoming more popular among medical students and getting publicity like never before. However, it is mainly true in the “West”.

That is why in 2012 a group enthusiastic intensivists launched an initiative, what we called SepsEast, in order to bring Eastern European opinion leaders and Western European experts together on a conference in Budapest, Hungary. The reason for starting this initiative in Central and Eastern Europe was the recognition of the importance of the shared legacy that we brought from the former Soviet-block, which lead to similar problems in each country. Namely, intensive care in this region of Europe became severely underfunded, understaffed with very poor research activity as compared to our Western counterparts.The idea was welcomed by several societies and we decided to organize our conferences regularly and biannually.

SepsEast Conference was organized with great success in 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018, but then COVID-19 pandemic came, and we had to focus on the daily fight for our patients at the bedside. However, we joined forces, organized online webinars in order to share experiences, to exchange views and strategies, to teach and learn, and we created a registry for research.

Our Mission and Vision

We belive there is a time to change.
"Through education, training, clinical research, and communication the SepsEast Network contributes to increased awareness, better understanding, advances in management and improved outcomes in sepsis accross Central and Eastern Europe."

Future Perspectives

How the "SepsEast-concept" may help?

It is still difficult for Eastern European physicians, never mind juniors, to attend large international conferences due to financial reasons and lack of dedicated study leaves. However, this would be of utmost importance in order to lift the spirit of the new generation of intensivists and to motivate them to aim high both in patient care and research activities.

The SepsEast Initiative brings experts from the West and opinion leaders from the East into the same faculty, and attracts junior doctors. Exchanging our views and strategies about how to tackle our common problems might bring us forward faster than if we just struggle on our own.

We believe that intensive care is bound to win on a long run in Eastern Europe as well, but by joining forces we might just speed it up.

To reach our goals we plan to organize regular conferences, webinars and E-learning courses in the future, and we decided to develop educational materials for the public as well.



Some moments and snippets from our lives...



Video Archives


SepsEast Community is a voluntary initiative of Central and Eastern European intensivists to bring East and West closer to each other for a better ICU care.